Win by Selling Insights Instead of Products

There are so many distinct types of sales techniques, but one is by far the winner.

Salespeople that provide education, insights and vision to buyers win three times more often than those who finish in second place. * How do you do this? Try these steps:

1: Share your insights and vision with the buyer

Educate them about your ideas utilizing research, analytics and a perspective that shows them you understand their business and see where it is going in the future. Inform them how you can help them reach their sales goals.

2: Work with the buyer

Using your assessment of the business and products and their understanding of their organization’s internal needs and goals, you can create a winning strategy that increases sales and distribution. Together, using your insights, build a plan for success.

3: Show them you are motivated

Use your powers of persuasion, convince them of your knowledge and value to their organization. By doing so, you have essentially become a team member.

By taking these steps, you show the buyer that you have taken time to analyze their business. You have shared your vision of how the company can grow and flourish and equally as important, that you have done the work of researching supporting materials and data. Finally, you can become an invaluable member of the team in developing plans and actions to make your vision of growth a reality.

*Rain Group research of over seven hundred B2B sales transactions

Do you wish you had the research and analytics to propel your vision forward? Contact Fusion and let us show you how easy this process can be. We can show you how to create and draft your vision and insights.


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